941209: ~~~~~~~ * Added debug functions for OpenLib (initRoutine). Now we don't have to open a lot of libraries in the beginning of the internal test program... * Added debug functions for Close and Expunge routines. Same reason as above. Expunge does not do a Remove() and FreeMem() on the library when the internal test program is used. * Settings GU_DEBUG = 0 and GU_LIBRARY = 0 didn't work. The program was using dosbase (for Delay) and this variable was not in the debug sect. * Wrote a routine that opens libraries in initRoutine. Can skip to check if a library was opened or not and tries to open the next one if one failed. * A small bug fix in GU_SetGUGadAttrsA: move.l gg_MutualExclude,d3 -> move.l gg_MutualExclude(a0),d3 * Changed so that the HotKey part uses MutualExclude instead of UserData. The flags in MutualExclude is moved into a longword in the HotKey data structure. All gadgets that uses the hotkey part, and all IMAGE_KIND gadgets will now allocate about 40 bytes extra memory for each gadget.
Converted on 19 Jul 1996 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML by Michael Ranner.